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npm is a quick way to get started with n8n on your local machine. You must have Node.js installed.

Try n8n with npx#

You can try n8n without installing it using npx.

From the terminal, run:

npx n8n

This command will download everything that is needed to start n8n. You can then access n8n and start building workflows by opening http://localhost:5678.

Install globally with npm#

If you want to install n8n globally, use npm:

npm install n8n -g

After the installation, start n8n by running:

# or
n8n start

Keep in mind

Windows users remember to change into the .n8n directory of your Home folder (~/.n8n) before running n8n start.

Next steps#

Try out n8n using the Quickstarts.


To update your n8n instance to the latest released version, run:

npm update -g n8n

To install/update to a specific version of n8n use the @ syntax to specify the desired version. For example:

npm install n8n@0.126.1

n8n with tunnel#


This is only meant for local development and testing. Do not use it in production.

To be able to use webhooks for trigger nodes of external services like GitHub, n8n has to be reachable from the web. To make that easy, n8n has a special tunnel service which redirects requests from our servers to your local n8n instance.

Start n8n with --tunnel by running:

n8n start --tunnel

Windows troubleshooting#

If you are experiencing issues running n8n on Windows, make sure your Node.js environment is correctly set up. Follow Microsoft's guide to Install NodeJS on Windows.